Friday, September 19, 2003

Sherilyn and I moved into our dorm today.. it's really spacious. We thought that our dorm was on the 5th floor, but it's actually the very bottom floor that we're not on the FIRST floor, we're on the ZERO-TH floor. Yes, floor 0.. haha. I guess it's kinda cool if you think about it.. but we're 2 out of the 3 freshmen on this floor because the others are transfer students who didn't move in yet. So yeah, it's REALLY QUIET. At least the bathroom is nextdoor to us and we don't have to share it with a lot of people.

But anyway, before settling in, my mom, grandma, jonathan, sher's parents, and ellison helped us with the clothes and just helped us to settle in. We walked them all to the shuttle bus and said our goodbyes. Finally our independence started.. we took the bus BY OURSELVES to the bookstore and made it there safely.. but on the way back there was a problem. We ended up taking 2 different buses (after going around in a circle) before returning to our dorm. Sher stole a bus schedule that was taped to a bulletin board. At the bookstore, we bought our books (hella expensive) and looked around... yadda yadda. Back at our dorm we did more rearranging for a few hours.. got pretty bored. Then we had some icebreakers with the people on floor zero and the first floor (we all have the same RA whos pretty cool).. ate dinner at the bbq.. then went to this meeting with all of college ten (where we're staying). I'm too tired to type anymore.

But I guess I'll type some more. So right now I'm back in my dorm room and Sher is plopped on her bed. It's a freakin friday night and we're going to bed SOON.. ahhh. I'm going crazy.. and I'm hungry and thirsty.. but we can't do anything cus we don't have a fridge yet.. and we can't call long distance on our dorm phone and we went through HELL in just connecting to the internet- we used gum, tape, and tweezers in order to get connected. eh.. I don't want to explain. Maybe I'll post some pictures later but for now it's time to sleep because I'm tired.

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