Friday, September 12, 2003

Stupid Jonathan
I guess this boy is really special because here I go about to blog about him again. So our story began late this afternoon when Jonathan decided to make a copy of the key to his new apartment. We headed over to the Jamba Juice in McCarthy Rance because his cousin Justin, who works there and is also his roommate, had a key to make a copy out of. The three of us head over to Walmart to get a duplicate key. Jonathan grabs his new blue apartment key and is excited like a little boy in a toystore filled with G.I. Joe and Power Rangers. Just like a little boy, he drops everything but his new toy (the key) and we head out of the store. When we got to the car, Jonathan asks me for the car keys.. I didn't have them! We check in my purse, in his pockets.. they were no where to be found. Jonathan concludes that he left the keys in the trunk of his car so he calls his mom to come. The two of us head back into Walmart to double check that key counter where he got his duplicate key made, and what do we find? Not only his car keys, but his cell phone as well nicely sitting on top of the counter. We tell his mom not to come anymore. We ended up wasting about an hour.. an hour which we could have used to eat our yummy burritos from La Victoria.

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