Sunday, October 31, 2004

Halloween 2004

So I took the whole weekend off from work (friday, saturday, sunday) just in case I did anything exciting. Friday was spent with the bf and watching The OC Season 1 DVD, Saturday was the party Lisa told us to go to, and today, Halloween, was spent trick or treating with the family. Here are some pictures from the party on saturday! Enjoy my readers! Oh yeah, Happy 19th Birthday to Miss Eileen Mae Villanueva (10/30) and Miss Jennifer Hang Le (10/31)!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

My Mommy vs. Mexican Dude

So my mother and I were on our way to Spirit near our house to get my sister's costume. As we were driving, there was this Mexican Dude around my age talking on his cell phone walking, and he just wanders to the middle of the road, and my mom almost hits him. Well not almost, she was driving a little too fast for a parking lot, and he wasn't paying enough attention to be walking in a parking lot. He moves just in time, and he was just shocked. Anyway, he yells out "Watch your f*cking speed!" And if you know my mom, she doesn't take shit from anyone, so she steps on her brakes really hard and rolls down the windows. At this point I'm already freaking out and lowering myself in the passenger seat because I HATE it when my mom cusses people out (which happens often, haha).. and she says "You know what... f*ck you!" and I just beg my mom to just park the car and not say anything else. She knows I hate it, so she stopped. We go and get my sister's costume. When we return to our car, there's YOGURT on the passenger window! Those stupid bitches! But my mom didn't give a crap. So if you're the type of person who will cuss out a grown up, watch out for my mom because she'll cuss you out too and you'll feel so stupid! Ok that's it, I hope karma gets that guy who decided to mess with my mommy!

Monday, October 25, 2004

I'm bored, so weeeeekend update!

I had a longgg day of school on Friday.. I had my Poli Sci midterm, and it was hard!! Jonathan and I tried to read all of the chapters the night before, but we were falling asleep and decided to just study in the morning, but it didn't happen. Eh well. Jonathan and I went to Best Buy I think? and probably Valley Fair too. Later that night, Jonathan and I watched "The Grudge" and it was hella freakin scary for me! Goodness! I almost grabbed onto the random lady sitting next to me! Eek! Saturday, I spent the whole day shopping with the bf. We went to VF, Oakridge, Best Buy, and ended the night just chillen at my house. Sunday, we randomly went to GREAT AMERICA. I haven't been there since SENIOR YEAR with the girls. Charmaine and Dom had extra tickets. So Jonathan and I went with them, along with Bea, and Charmaine's nephew. I rode one ride, I think Centrino??? something like that with Bea and Charmaine, then on the Sponge Bob one with everyone. We were in line for like an hour!! It was crazy. For another half hour, we were in line for FUNNEL CAKE! You cannot go to GA without getting funnel cake. Then we went to visit Daysha, and played "Scene It!" It was Jonathan, Jay, Evangeline, Daysha, and I on one team, and Dominic, Charmaine, Bea, and Nikki on the other team. Our team won! haha. Um.. and today, I went to VF in the morning, went to school, back to VF for work (and SHOPPING@!!) and now I am home.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

"fender bender" / costume hunting

So I skipped school on Thursday and I didn't go to my Friday morning class. It's a longgg story. Well on thursday, I just didn't wanna go bc Michelle wasn't going, but on Friday, Jonathan was supposed to pick me up (bc we carpool for that DA class) but he didn't. So I went to school anyway.. I was getting all antsy and stuff because I didn't have a permit, it was in Jonathan's car.. so I tried the 1 day permit machine, but it wouldn't take ANY of my money.. I guess it was too wrinkled.. so I was just gonna park anyway and risk getting a ticket because I didn't want to miss class. Well, right when I was in the middle of a 3 point turn (I was on the 2nd step when you back up), some lady didn't stop her minivan and we hit each other! aadslfkjasdfklj!!!!! I was so pissed but just nervous at the same time because I wasn't having a good morning at all. Nothing happened to her car because it was a piece of shit anyway, but my car got scratched up, kinda like how it got after I backed up into Joshie's old car (haha). Jonathan said I could wipe of the scratches, so we'll see. Anyway, I was in NO MOOD to sit in class for 3 hours, so I went to Jonathan's house in hopes to wake him up. I finally did after tapping on his window. You could tell that he felt bad. Anyway, we were gonna go back to school, but we napped at my house instead, went to Santa Cruz for my class, then went to VF/Best Buy, then to Spirit where we saw Mariel and Dianne, then went to Villiard's, then to Mercado to watch "Team America"..... AMERICA... F*CK YEAH! haha

It was a stupid funny movie that I know that is going to cause A LOT of controversy.

Anyway, I continued costume shoppping for the rest of the weekend and finally found one I was pleased with today:

Ok, if you have anything fun/interesting to do Halloween weekend which requires DRESSING UP IN COSTUME then let me know!!!


Thursday, October 14, 2004


Just kidding! No, but really.. I was browsing through websites online, then I hear this noise coming from outside. Then I heard it again hitting my window, it sounded like a coin falling on the floor. Then I hear another one!! Then that "shhhht!" sound that filipino parents make. I was like what the!!!? So I go outside, and it was my beloved boyfriend. haha. He forgot his cell phone at home, so he couldn't call me to let me know he was gonna come by for a bit after work. So he throws coins at my window to get my attention. Oh Jonathan.. I love you! You know you can ring the doorbell, my mom doesn't care as long as it's you!

I know I blogged already today, but oh well. I feel like being random right now. So lately, I've been watching my "Mean Girls" DVD a lot.. "If you're from Africa, then why are you white?" hahaha. Ok.. and I've been watching a lottttt of tv. Sundays I anticipate "The Surreal Life" and Tuesdays, my schedule is "Veronica Mars", "Real World", "Laguna Beach", then "Battle of the Sexes". Wednesdays I wait for "America's Next Top Model".. and I think all the other days I watch whatever is on primetime. I feel like requesting tuesdays through thursdays off for work because American Idol is going to start again and THE OC!!!! I can't wait!

So there's nothing new with life... commuting to Santa Cruz everyday is not bad at all! I don't know if I say that a lot.. but it's not! The drive is actually good for me because I get my alone time with myself to sing my heart out.. haha. Michelle agrees with me too because she commutes to work (well I don't think she agrees with singing her heart out.. but you know). Um.. my classes have been pretty ok so far. I'm not stressing out yet, and the good thing is that I don't have finals or major tests in the classes I'm taking at UCSC. For the one class I'm taking at De Anza one day a week, I have a midterm and a final.. regular stuff.. but it's american government and it's De Anza.. so it's easy peasy! Um.. another thing is that's pretty interesting is that there is this new SEX PATCH coming out (or is out already I'm not sure). It's like a Viagra for women.. I don't know if any of you heard about that, but I was like wow! I found out about it by watching VH1's Best Week Ever show. Ok.. I'm lazy, but I have nothing to do. I'm skipping school tomorrow because Michelle won't be there (she's skipping class too). So I think I'll make a to do list tonight before I go to bed! tata readers!

P.S. If any of you want a job at Hollister, let me know. We're hiring, and I'll totally refer you! And you'll most likely get hired!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

2nd Parking Ticket / Leanna's Game / Presidential Debate #3

This morning, Jonathan called me around 8:50, said he was coming over, and was at my house 10 minutes later. If you know him, then you'd know that he lags with everything. I guess I was too sleepy this morning to notice because I just opened the door for him and went back to bed. Before you knew it, we were both sound asleep and I ended up waking up 30 minutes late! But it was no biggie. So I got ready for school while he continued to sleep, then it was time for another school day in Santa Cruz for me! It was so hot on campus today. Don't you hate the feeling when your back gets all sweaty because of your backpack? Anyway, class was class, then I decided to run some errands. I went over to the financial aid office to ask them ONE question because my college advisor said I had to go over there instead of just calling. So I park at a meter and put in 15 minutes worth of coins. When I get there, there is this huuuuuge line. I thought that it would go by fast, but I was wrong. The whole time I was in line, I was praying that I wouldn't get a ticket. If I were to step out of line, I would have lost my place... and then I'd have to wait even longer. Well, when it was my turn, the lady tells me that I didn't have to wait in line, that I could have just CALLED! Argh! So I wasted 45 minutes of my day waiting in line. When I get to my car, I see the dreaded yellow envelope on my window =(. Dammit.. even though it's only $25, I was still upset because I could have bought a shirt with that! eh.

I watched TV for a bit until my mom picked me up to watch my sister's volleyball at Holy Family. They played a reallly good game, but they lost =(. I was kinda happy though because I didn't want them to play a 3rd set because I wanted to be home in time for the debate. The game ended at 5:55, so I had 5 minutes to get home. My mom decided to stop by Albertson's "real quick".. so we arrived at home around 5:40. I plopped myself on my bed.. but couldn't seem to keep my eyes open. I decided to just take a nap and watch a re-run of the debate later that night. When I woke up, I ate spaghetti, then watched the debate. I think that both candidates did really well, and unlike the first and second debate, I don't really think there was a winner. In my opinion, I think Bush did better, but only because I have my mind set on him already. If you ask someone who is for Kerry, they'd say the same thing. I think the purpose of this last debate was to reinforce both candidates' ideas. However, I enjoyed how they actually brought up gay marriages, and it's interesting that they are both against it. John Kerry made it seem like he was more open about it, but both of them pretty much have the same opinion. Alright that's all, vote for Bush!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Weekend Update - Presidential Debate #2 / Angela's Bday / Etc

On friday, Jonathan and I had class at DeAnza early in the morning.. well it's not that early, it's just early for us (9:00am). But class was really interesting (for me at least). We grabbed some lunch at Baja Fresh then went to Santa Cruz. He slept in the car while I went to my one class, and luckily, we ended early. So I drove back home, picked up Joanne, went to VF, then watched the Presidential Debate with my mommy. It was funny because she was getting into it, she kept cursing at the television.. she even called John Kerry and asshole. Jonathan just stayed quiet.. haha. Later that night, Lisa, Jessica, Neiman, and Neiman's cousin Lisa come to pick me up. We eat a small dinner at Pasta Pomodoro then head to Lisa's friend's party at this restaurant. It was cool only because the band from last week was there playing. They're reallly good! Lisa was drunk again. Then I went home to sleep!

Saturday, Jonathan picks me up, and we go to Hayward to check out his aunt and uncle's new house. There was no furniture yet, so we stood around, or just chilled on the carpet. I ate a lot while I was there. Then Jonathan drops me off at home, I get ready for work.. then work! Angela sent me a text to go to Mariel's to celebrate her bday.. so Michelle and I went there after work, and Angela was already gone off of her ass. I had loooooooooooooooooooots of fun.. I think I had too much fun. I don't recall the rest of the night.. just throwing up on Mariel's couch. I know, GROSS huh? I finally went to sleep.

This morning, I woke up with a bump on my head. I don't know how the hell I got it. But yeah, when I got home, I went back to sleep, woke up to eat, went back to sleep, woke up to get ready for work, went back to sleep, then went to work. I was hella tired at work tonight.. but we were out early. Ok time for bed!

p.s. HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY ANGELA! You better be happy that Michelle and I got to your level.. I think we even surpassed it!!! And thank you Mariel and Michelle for taking care of me. I don't remember who else took care of me.. but thanks to you guys too! I owe you one! ESPECIALLY you MARIEL!

Friday, October 08, 2004

Home Sweet Sucks!!!!

So my mama and papa (grandma and grandpa) left for the PI again on Monday night. I was pretty pissed because I couldn't even see them off at the airport because I had stupid WORK. It's hard to find people to cover shifts now =(. So as soon as my mama and papa got into my mom's Montero with my mom and sister.. I started tearing. By the way, since I couldn't find someone to cover my shift at work, I skipped class in order to be home when they left. So anyway, when I saw my mom's car drive away, I cried. I've never been this far away from my grandparents for this long! They won't be home until AFTER Christmas! This will be my very first Christmas without them, but they're happy over there and have lots to do. I just miss them so much. I miss having my political conversations with my grandpa. I miss my grandma showing me a new purse or a new pair of shoes she just bought. I miss FOOD! Dangit.. I come home with NOTHING! I also miss my grandparents fighting over the computer we put in their room.. they love playing Solitaire and comparing their scores! It's so cute. I just miss them and I cannot wait until they come home safely. Until then, just hope my mom, sister, and I don't starve (or get too fat from eating out all the time) until they get home!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

late weekend update!

So I went to a party on friday that Gene and his friends threw at Matt's house. It was fun! Here are some pictures for your enjoyment!

lisa, casey, me, and erica BEFORE

near the bathroom.. we're a little ok

chris.. francis wanted to be in it

ok now here they are again

neiman, lisa, dianne, me.

har har.

casey, erica, me, and lisa AFTER

yup we were dancing too

and some more dancing

lisa, dianne, me

lisa on the floor. it was hot!!

now me on the floor. look at that sweat on my face.. yuck! i'm "glistening"

lisa tried taking a picture of us in chris' car. but lisa only got a shot of me and lisa.. but chris' bar got in the way!

after the party.. villiard's house

my rockstar!

hahaha.. it was time for her to go home!

Ok that's it. I don't feel like writing anymore.