Sunday, September 21, 2003

Day 2 @ Santa Cruz
I don't really feel like blogging about our adventures about today, but I guess it's getting better. There are a whole bunch of snobby ass bitches that I want to kick in the face, but other than that, it's cool. If I didn't have Sherilyn, I'd probably be dying right now. The both of us are missing our boyfriends terribly so they're going to visit us on Monday (THEY BETTER!!!!!). The highlight of our day was going out of campus and to 7-11! It was freakin hot like a mother, so we bought SLURPEES! Oh yeah and more highlights were seeing some people we knew.. Dianne and Michelle visited and we showed them our dorm. Meg stopped by with Mike who came to drop off her laptop.. we visited her too and made fun of her big basin of food. And we went to Oakes to visit Ben.. their dorms look so much older than ours, but it seems more friendly there. K I'm tired, I don't want to blog anymore.

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