Thursday, January 08, 2004

I couldn't sleep last night again so I ended up falling asleep around 3am.. but the worst part is that I had to take up at 7am again to see if I could still enroll in Biology.. argh! Anyway, I went to my Feminism and Human Sexuality classes. In Human Sexuality, the teacher was asking all 500 students to shout out where they get their sex information from, it was pretty interesting.. a lot of guys said porn from the internet and Maxim.. and girls said fashion magazines. Someone suggested that they got sex education from their parents, but some random boy yelled out that his parents don't have sex anymore.. I dunno kinda random, but I really like that class, and another plus is that I have Lorelei with me in the class! OK, then went to Biology.. hella freakin boring but I passed the exam, so I can enroll for sure, but not until TOMORROW or even SATURDAY.. so I freakin have to wake up at 7am again to enroll bc the spots left in that class are filling up fast. Let's all pray that I get in tomorrow morning yeah? But then, I'm still debating if I should take Intro to Feminism or Cell and Molecular Biology.. I can't take both bc I can't take no more than 19 credits, and with those 2 classes, I already have 20. Anyone have any suggestions on what I should take?

Oh yeah, we just had a floor meeting about a lot of people here at College Ten getting written up for drug and alcohol abuse.. so our RA told us to party responsibly and respectfully? Eh.. I'm not here on the weekends when they party hard, and partying during the week exhausts me, so I don't have to worry about getting written up.. and then getting kicked out if I get written up too much. ok the end.

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