Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Although I was dead tired today, the school day wasn't pretty bad.. I am no longer SIX weeks behind in French! I am caught up! I finished ALL my grammar tests, I finished taking the last one today after school. During my LAST class of WOMEN OF SCRIPTURE, and ALSO my LAST religion class EVER for the rest of my life, we had this ritual thing, but everyone was sleeping.. and during Peer Counseling, my last class of the day, we had a party with LOTS of food and I brought "Love and Basketball" for all of us to watch.. pretty kick back. I TRIED to take a nap after school, but my mom and sister kept calling meeee.. I went to pick up my sister.. studied just a little for physics, then watched AMERICAN IDOL! aww.. too bad James didn't make it, I hella wanted an asian person to make it... oh well. OKay TWO MORE FINALS and I am DONE and I will be on a BREAK!!!!

oh yeah, I forgot that I recieved my grade from my Trig final today.. yeahhhh.. I thought I did better.. DAMMM.. the average of all 4 classes was 69%, but some still managed to get 100%.. and there was a 7% curve!

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