Monday, May 26, 2003

Plastic bag phone calls and Albertson's
Ok. So I'm blogging one more time today. Who cares? So I was ecstatic when my significant other returned home from his family trip to Monterey. I was laying down on the couch watching Lizzie McGuire talking to Jonathan on the phone WHILE he was in the shower washing off all the sand that was still stuck on him. This crazy boy put a plastic bag over the phone so he could talk to me.. haha.. yeah he's weird. So we go to Albertson's together because our mothers sent us out to buy stuff. I felt like we were a married couple going grocery shopping for our kids.. haha. Speaking of kids, there were these 2 little blond boys running around Albertson's the entire time. They were coincidentally in front of us everywhere we went; right when we walked in, in between some aisles, and as we were leaving.

I'm pretty relieved that I finished most [but not all] of my homework!

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