Saturday, September 08, 2001

dang..sometimes I just wanna sleep and not wake up..I am sooooooo sick of getting blamed for shit I didn't do. My mom just bitched at me for the longest time because I told her how the AOL account got reseted and stuff..I got some stupid porn email..which I didnt know was a porn I opened it and then deleted it right after.. How the hell was I supposed to know it was a fuckin trojan virus? So anyway, the TOS people from AOL reseted the account and my mom called Member Services..They said that some stupid shit sent a porn email from my screen name..and someone reported it..err.. I am so BM about that because my mom thought I sent out the porn..I was like grosssssss..I'm not fuckin like that..shit..I'm so irritated right now..then she said, "Okay, I give you the benefit of the doubt" which means in her language, "Okay, I don't believe you
but I'll say something to make you think I do."

And you know when you do ONE thing wrong, and your parents bring up EVERYTHING you've done wrong in your whole 16 and a half years of existence? Well maybe not, but that happens to me ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the time. Ever since school started for my sister, she's been bugging me EVERY fuckin night about her's like dam, don't your teachers teach you anything? it's like EVERY fuckin night in EVERY fuckin's so dam anyways, my mom bitched about that like my sister was a poor helpless little thing that can't do jack shit for herself..which she is, but it's because she is so dam lazy..I ALWAYS get in trouble because of her, I hate to blame her, but it's true. I get soooo stressed out about school now because of all the hw the teachers give colleges..and on top of all that SATs and essays and all that crap.. oh, and all the extra-curricular stuff..

The thing that got me soooooo mad was when my mom said that I DON'T do anything but school and homework, so that's why she expects a lot from's true though, all I do is school..I have school plus all those clubs I'm in..I have Prom Committee, Gospel Choir, FSA, Ambassadors, and I want to join other clubs..I know it's a lot, but I need more than my grades to get me into college..She bitched about how I don't clean my room and whatnot..but I do!! You know how hard it is to keep a fuckin room clean when you're sharing it with your 10-year-old sister that has no common sense? It gets me BM allllll the time..Like I know my grades aren't all that great and I can do better, but I work my ass off! The lowest GPA I ever got was 1st semester freshmen year, but the second semester, I raised it to a 3.67 which is pretty dam good..shit..and it hasn't gotten any lower..

err anyways..I am going to do some hw because I have a lot..I don't want my mother coming in here being a gay ass again

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