Friday, August 15, 2003

Two more days til Jonathan comes home! whoo hoo! So anyway, all I did was pack up all the stuff in my room.. almost done. Then my mother took me to cotillion practice and stayed while she caught up with Lisa's mom. We finished learning cha cha.. learned the rose dance.. and then ate chicken teriyaki while watching a bootleg copy of "Finding Nemo".

These past few episodes of "Boy Meets World" have made me cry.. A LOT! Even though I've seen them all 458309534 times, I STILL cry. I blogged about that one episode when Cory stays up all night talking to a girl and then kisses her. So today's episode was when Cory blew his last chance.. stupid girl had to show up! The end of the show broke my heart. The part when Topanga said that she never once had to test the way she felt about Cory.. that was when it was all over for me. Grr.. and that Lauren. I hate her!!! (double entente.. I think "entente" is the right word.) Why couldn't she keep to herself!!! She knew that he was involved with a great girl.. the LOVE of his life! SOME girls today.. sheesh. Anyway.. it's on Disney again, so I'm going to watch... and cry.

I didn't talk to Jonathan today =(. First time since the first day we started seeing each other again.

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