Wednesday, August 06, 2003

San Francisco Part.. I dunno anymore.
So I woke up between 8 and 9am and got ready for my fun-filled day. The reason why I woke up so early was because I thought that mister jonathan was going to pick me up after work and going to the dmv.. but I was wrong. So I waited and called and called and waited some more and called some more, and there was no answer. I called repeatedly from around 9am until he picked up at almost 11am. Interestingly enough, he answered the 50th time I called. His biggest mistake was that he did not inform me about his change of plans.. instead of going to the dmv after work, he went home to sleep... blah blah blah.. that whole mess was a big fight. Anyway...

He picks me up and I drive.. we pick up Jenna, Sher and Romel, and then Ellison. Everyone was already at Blanco's. Rich's ensemble was interesting: a cowboy hat with normal jeans and a shirt and some funky shoes (he wanted to see how many gay guys would hit on him.. why you ask? who knows, it's richard). Since Daryl, Rich, and I were the only drivers, we were the "captains" and we were picking people.. kinda like teams. But we said screw it and let whoever ride with whoever they want. So we (me, jonathan, sher & ell in jonathan's car, daryl, jenna, diana, and sheila in daryl's car, and rich, romel, and joshie in rich's car) were on our way to San Francisco (well we stopped by the gas station first).

Our first stop was the SFO airport to see Blanco and his family off to the Philippines. Keep in mind that when we park in the parking garage and pull the ticket out from the thingy, Jonathan right away says, "here, give me the ticket," as if I was going to lose it.. so I gave it to him. The guys got some luggage carts with no luggage and pushed them around for the heck of it. Ben and Henessey were also there. However, Jonathan managed to piss me off AGAIN.. you see, he was walking like a turtle while everyone else was walking about a mile in front of us. Anyway, he bought some coffee that made us un-grumpy (we were both grumpy because of our lack of sleep). So Sheila and Hene played "I see something..." while everyone else played 13 or watched them play 13. Blanco departed and so did we. So remember when I said that Jonathan took the parking ticket away from me so I wouldn't lose it? Well, he lost it. So instead of paying less than $5 for parking like the two other cars, we paid $22 because that's how much you pay when you lose the parking ticket... oh and guess who had to pay for it since SOMEONE never carries cash? yeah, me.. ahashfla;sjdflkjsd! I was more than pissed off by then, but I let it go.

We drove to Market street and walked around. The plan was to go shopping, but no one was really in the mood, so we went to Urban Outfitters. After checking the women's section upstairs and the men section downstairs, Jonathan and I joined some of the others who were just sitting in the comfy chairs. We were looking at this Kama Sutra book.. I never knew it really existed because I first heard about it from American Pie.. but dam, there are some crazy ass sex positions. There was this one position with the guy doing a back bend and then the girl is like on top of him in some way.. I dunno I forgot. Finally everyone was done and we went to eat at Blondie's pizza. We ordered this large cheese pizza.

Castro Street was our next stop since Richard wanted to see how many gay guys would hit on him, however, it wasn't "poppin".. I think people hype Castro Street way too much. OH, but one thing a few of us saw was some topless guy who was DJing in some club. We walked along Castro Street to find some activity, but Josh didn't want no activity.. haha.

We parked at Fisherman's wharf and there was this bush dude who tried to scare people.. it was hella funny.. but I think you just had to be there in order to understand. Me, Jonathan, Diana, Sherilyn, and Ellison walked from Hooters to the Pier and back to Hooters. There was a wait at Hooters, so we killed some time by walking around. We went to this picture place where they take funky pictures of you.. and we took a picture called "Attack of the Giant Crab". I'll post it up once Sher gives me my copy. So we went to Hooters and Cesar was there! Everyone ate but I wasn't really hungry. Since there was nothing else to do and Jonathan and I were dead tired (and because he had work in the next few hours) we decided to call it a day. Sher, Ell, and Di left with us. I was pissed when we left though because of.. yup, you guessed it, my wonderful boyfriend. I hate it when he's grumpy, he just turns into someone I want to kick upside the head with steeltoe boots!

We drop everyone home.. and our night ended pretty dam crappy if you ask me. However, the trip to San Francisco with 12 wonderful people was fun despite of its many downs.. there were more ups.

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