Thursday, August 21, 2003

I didn't do much yesterday since Jonathan had work.. but when he came over before work, we were beating each other up.. just kidding. I was chasing him all over the house because I was mad that he came late so we couldn't watch "Chicago" together anymore. I messed up his hair too, so it looked like a giant poof ball. So he left for work and the cable guys came! whoohoo! I was so excited because I went about 5 entire days without my Disney Channel. I dropped my sister off at hiphop, watched TV, picked my sister up, then the both of us went channel surfing. Jonathan came back from work, hung out for a bit, ate lots of food, attempted to watch "Chicago", hung out some more, then just fell asleep on the couches. He was waking me up pretty dam early this morning! I was kinda pissed but he had to go to work so I had to be awake to tell him where everything was. He doesn't wake me up gently either, he just shakes me until I open my eyes. Hmm.. so I'm bored once again.. maybe I'll watch some more cable with my sis.

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