Monday, October 01, 2001

I love this song.."Remember the first day when I saw your face..." it is currently playing on the radio..

anyways, my fingers hurt from clicking so much..I voted about 300 times today for the survivor thing because I called in earlier, and we were NOT in first place..Presentation I was like HELLLL NO!!!!! Dude, I felt like throwing the radio, the stupid girl got me all pissed off AND on top of it all, Strawberry actually said "You guys at ND are getting your asses kicked" so that was another HELLLLLLLL NO!!! I told him to shuttup..haha so then I voted and voted and voted..and at 10, they gave us the top school in order, and NOTRE DAME was on top OF COURSE!!

Since I had no school today because of the Golf Tournament, I spent the day talking to Jenn and doing some of my hw.. I wainted for a phone call, but it did not and still hasnt come..ah well..haha..ummmm..yeah k bye

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