Monday, October 13, 2003

Back in Santa Cruz =(
Don't get me wrong, I like it here in Santa Cruz, but nothing will ever beat home sweet home. Even though the only thing I do when I'm in San Jose is watch TV in my living room, it's all good with me. It's weird because all I want to do is stay home. This weekend, Jonathan was the one who actually wanted to go out while I was the one who wanted to just stay home and chill. Anyway, I had a fun-filled weekend!

So friday: since Sher and I were up til the break of dawn thursday night, we ended up sleeping through our first class of the day. I woke up at 9am and the class just ended. Sher then informed me that she turned off my alarm.. haha.. that nerd! But we didn't really care because that class was boring. Then my Jonathan came to pick me up along with some flowers he bought for Sherilyn because she wasn't feeling well the previous night (which is the reason why we stayed up til the break of dawn). Back in San Jose, we picked up my sister at home, got some popcorn chicken at KFC then met up with my mom and grandma at Radio Shack. Unfortunately, they were unable to get my phone because the system was down.. but it's ok. Later that night, Jonathan and I dressed up and went to the Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco to watch the famous musical play, "Jesus Christ Super Star." It was grrrrrrrreat! I felt bad because my mom wanted to see it badly and was going to take us, but we informed her that we were already going last minute. We made a quick detour to his uncle's house because it was his cousin's bday. His uncle gave Jonathan some tips on the guitar and also gave us sex tips.. just kidding.. he just told us that he had a friend named "Trojan." Back at my house, Jonathan and I fell asleep on the floor watching TV with my sister who was on the couch.

Saturday morning, Jonathan and I went to Express (men) to buy a shirt for cotillion pictures for Lisa. Aren't we adorable?
Lisa's Entourage
LOTS and LOTS of purple.. haha.. the guys look so cute and so gay. Jonathan dropped me off at home right after where I watched TV and took a wonderful nap and while he was at work. My mom came home after dropping my sis off at her friend's bday party, and I went with her to pick my sis up. We ended up taking home 3 of my sister's friends who were sleeping over. So I watched, "Malibu's Most Wanted" with them until my dearest got out of work. We went driving all over San Jose to buy Jack in the Box, get curry and oreo cheesecake from Cheesecake factory, dropping Jack in the Box back at my house for my sis and her friends, going to Jonathan's apartment to pick up his charger, then going back to Cheesecake Factory to pick up the food. All of us watched some DVDs until we all fell asleep on the living room floor with 2034820934820 pillows and blankets.

Sunday morning, Jonathan and I had to wake up early again because we had cotillion practice. My dear mother bought all of us McDonald's before we left. We practiced.. got tired.. and Jonathan went to work. I went to church with my mom sister, Chanel, and Fatima, and I saw a lot of familiar faces and even some UGLY faces. Made some detours.. got a tall Chocolate Browniw Frap. Back at home, I managed to clean my room, do my hw, and spend some quality time with my mommy. She waited til about 1130pm when Jonathan picked me up to bring me back to Santa Cruz. On our way to Jonathan's apartment, I was crying my eyes out because I started to miss my mom. I know it sounds like I'm a big baby, but I'm really dependent on my mom and I love her more than anything in this world. I watched clips of a Jamie Foxx DVD and fell asleep on the couch. Oh yeah, I got a little gift from Jonathan!
Cheer Bear!

This morning, Jonathan and I woke up at 830 and went straight to SC. Well.. not really, we left around 845 and arrived here around 915 or so. But we drove around campus for a long time buying parking permits then looking/waiting for parking. I rushed to get ready for my first class, ate cup n noodles, and cleaned my side of the dorm. When Sher and I came back from chemistry, Jonathan was still in the same exact position when we left: in front of my laptop playing counsterstrike. The 4 of us went to the dining hall and ate. To kill time, Sher and I watched TV before going to class, but we ended up RUNNING to class because we were watching "Perfect Proposal" and we wanted to wait for the girl to answer.. she said yes of course, then we rannnnn. I walked right when class started... blah blah blah.. regular class. I went back to my dorm during the 20 minutes I had before my last class and Jonathan was STILL in the same place when I left. He finally headed back to San Jose and I went to my last class of the day.

aljdfajdfljasldf... I have to wait FOUR days til I see my mommy and my Jonathan and my sister and my grandparents again! ahh.

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