Thursday, February 13, 2003

So it is technically thursday already, and I cannot seem to sleep.. this is how my week has been so far.

Monday--I felt so lost in school due to the longgg vacation I took the week before. I spent the whole day doing make up work and homework. Although, I was in an extremely EXCELLENT mood that nothing, even bad grades, could ruin.
Tuesday--I went to the Boys and Girls Club after school and I was even more stressed out, but my cousins came over, so i watched "Sweet Home Alabama" with them. I cried my eyes house and then watched my precious American Idol. I hella forgot that I had a confirmation meeting.
Wednesday--I went to the Boys and Girls Club again.. goshh my sponsor sucks. I took a nap.. and watched my precious American Idol. I really wanted Clay to make it!!!!

Good thing there are only two more days of this week left.. ahhhhh I am stressed about my stupid senior service project!!!!!! I hope I have a fun valentine's day.. and I hope we get to go to Tahoe.. or at least have our big sleepover!

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