Wednesday, December 12, 2001

BuM DiGgA DEE (8:27:07 juleeeee): i asked nathan if he was fat and he said no hes buff but shit
BuM DiGgA DEE (8:27:09 juleeeee): and hes dark hahahahah
BuM DiGgA DEE (8:27:15 juleeeee): its okae tho cuz im dark so yea
juleenette77 (8:27:41 juleeeee): hahahhahaha
BuM DiGgA DEE (8:28:07 juleeeee): DANG
BuM DiGgA DEE (8:28:10 juleeeee): with my luck
BuM DiGgA DEE (8:28:20 juleeeee): i bet hes BLACK..FAT and like HEKKApimply or something
juleenette77 (8:28:15 juleeeee): its okay
juleenette77 (8:28:18 juleeeee): im going with JEREMY..hhaha JK
BuM DiGgA DEE (8:28:23 juleeeee): oh hes just black
BuM DiGgA DEE (8:28:27 juleeeee): hes not fat and pimply

like I always tell Jenn, at this age it is OKAY to be shallow..I mean the inside counts, but you look for that when you get married. So be shallow, you have until you get married to find the RIGHT guy.. [ note to Jeremy: do not take offense to this..haha..I still love you ]

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