Monday, November 25, 2002

I struggled to bring two 20 lb turkeys to the SLC kitchen this morning! I was going to park at my usual spot on Reed St, but there was a parking space on 2nd St. I tried to parallel park, but I said FORGET IT! Lyvinia, Hene, and Sheila saw me struggling and laughed! Michelle came to the rescue and parallel parked my car like it was a piece of cake! Afterwards, I saw all the graffiti on the walls. On Manley Hall it said "Fuck Me" and on Donnelly one said "Equalitey" and "Christan Sluts". yeah.. not ChrisTIAN, it was ChrisTAN! First of all, if whoever spraypainted our walls wanted to insult us, at least spell Christian right. And second of all, we are Catholic. Anyway, I worked dilligently on homework, and blehh. I can't wait until vacation.. well no wait, I have A LOT of homework to do over Thanksgiving vacation already =(

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