Monday, January 14, 2002

Oilisi04 (7:53:13 juleeeee): dude you turned my sport lovin jock to a whipped daryl
Oilisi04 (7:53:21 juleeeee): its like most of the time its you he talks about
juleenette77 (7:53:28 juleeeee): hahahahhaa

hahaha..I love how Daryl is now known as CBL (controlled by ladies..or better yet, controlled by Jenna)..good job Jenna, you do have that boy whipped.. But if you are reading this Kristian, I won't turn your sport lovin jock to a whipped daryl..

I went to the dentist today..and I have NO cavs! but my wisdom teeth are growing, and in a weird position at that..theyre growing like sideways or I have to get them surgically removed by the summer or like ASAP.. I hope Chris calls me later on tonight..I am pretty much done with hw for tonight. I am just glad that this day was over because dammmmmmm..soooo much due today..

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