Monday, November 12, 2001

Oh know what I forgot to blog about..My OTHER eye..My left eye was already bad enough, but when I was at Jennas house still..I was laying down in her room and I was looking at Mariels wallet thing. I took her ID card out which was inside a plastic thingy and then I dropped it right on my eye. The corner of the card hit my eye ball and I couldnt open my right eye for like 10 minutes..It was hekka watering..and for a few hours I had trouble opening it..When I blinked, it was realllllllllllly slow, and Mariel said that it was making her sleepy. BOTH my eyes got hurt..MY POOR left one is a lil red right now..just a little though..and my right eye is better.I can open it and blink normally

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