Tuesday, November 06, 2001

oh dear..I have 3 more tests tomorrow..and in my first 3 classes...chemistry, french 3, and then english...ahh.. but I am taking a break right now because I can't handle this. sooooo...what is new...umm..winter ball is approaching really really fast..and I still need a date..I kinda have some people in mind..but not really. Sheila and I were discussing today on how to ask your date to go with you without really asking. Like in my case, I hate asking..I think last year what I said was when I talked to him, "So...what are we going to wear to winter ball?" and hes like.."umm okay." So see, I asked him without really asking. but before winter ball, I have to go shopping for sadies. This chick is sooooooooo broke...ohhh man it is so pathetic..alright..my break is over..I am going to eat..then back to studying

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