Thursday, November 22, 2001

HAPPY 39TH BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!! even though youre not gonna read this!

awwwww..I am looking at my first grade and second grade class picture...we were all so small! and cute! awwwwww..I miss those days!!! good ol MHT..*sigh* seemed like only yesterday..

for some reason I am extremely tired right now..the prayer service and workshops were really good at school today. Im glad I didnt skip it to sleep at home. We got out at 12..and I was supposed to be home by 2..but instead I went to the mall with jenna mariel ashley and our dates. First we went to st francis to get chris..then to milpitas high to get nathan..then off to Valley Fair! The car ride was very comfortable though..After going back and forth from banana to structure, we finally bought something..then off to the mighty mighty foodcourt! I was so hungry!! I ate a very yummy cinnabon mmmmyummm. We took Chris home and stayed at his house for a bit. I watched Friends with Ashley while Jenna and Daryl were comfortably taking up all the space on the bed sleeping.. I thought we were gonna watch a movie but instead we just went to Linns house for the 2nd night in a row. Pretty Woman was on TV..and umm..I defended my mom was actually calling me to go home! and she NEVER does that. Too bad when I finally did go home she wasnt there! so blehh..I am bored..awwwwww but these old MHT class pictures are so cute! I miss those days!!!!


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