Wednesday, June 23, 2004

HAPPY ANNIVERSAY JONATHAN! I'm always writing these corny ass love dedications, but enough of that. Here are just a few of the memories we have shared together these past 6 years. June 23, 1998 (12:20am) marked the very first day of what we have now, I love you!

8th grade grad party.. we were camera shy [1999]

nd winter ball.. blah.. i'm wearing BLACK! what was I thinking! [1999]

parish festival [1999]

8th grade grad party at the biltmore [1999]

my 14th birthday party [1999]

alex's quincenera [1999]

nd mixer [1999]

nd "sadies" mixer freshman year [2000]

great america [2000?]

raging waters [2000]

diana's party i think [2000]

carissa's cotillion [2000]

PCN [2000] i know the makeup is HORRIBLE

confirmation retreat [2000]

confirmation retreat [2000]

mitty winter ball [2000]

mitty winter ball take 2

...then we stop talking for a longg time... but here we are back again...

cotillion practice in the summer [2003]

santana row ice rink [2003]

ice rink again.. whoops [2003]

random pic in the car [2003]

lisa's cotillion [2003]

starbuck's at santana row [2003]

reztyleen's cotillion [2003]

st lawrence's sr prom [2003]

nd sr prom [2003]

my graduation [2003]

mariel's beautiful photography [2003]

june 23, 2003

independence day [2003]

mariel's cotillion [2003]

random [2003]

laughing on the way to lisa's cotillion practice [2003]

santa cruz boardwalk [2003]

valley fair [2003]

SLO having "fun" [2004]

meg's bday this year [2004]

applebee's one night [2004]

late night la victoria run [2004]

seacliff [2004]

ashley's graduation [2004]

ikan's party [2004]

Sorry there aren't very many pictures from the past.. most of these were just the ones saved on my comp. But again, happy anniversary babe! OH and THANKS to the many photographers of some of these pictures (Leanna, Diana, Lisa, Eileen, Charissa, Joel, and I think that's it)

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