Thursday, June 17, 2004

Cooking? Not my thing.
Today I didn't do anything special but I feel like blogging because there's nothing else to do. My mom put together the ingredients needed for adobo during her lunch break, and the only thing I had to do was stir the thing every 5-10 minutes and to turn off the stove when it was done cooking. Gosh, I struggled so much! When I was stirring the adobo in the pot, I kept dropping the big spoon because it was soo hot! So I put on TWO oven mits because I don't like it when the manteca(sp?) splatters on me. Anyway, I managed to burn it, and the house smelled like burnt adobo. It sucked because my mom already had left to go back to work, so I called Jonathan to help me. Joanne dropped him off, and there was nothing we could do, but eat the burnt adobo. Jonathan told me that he was going to send me to cooking class, so I can cook him big feasts when we're older.. yeah right! HE's the one that's gonna do the cooking =). After watching TV and taking a nap, I was off to work and it went by quick. I saw cousin Gene and Philip while I was walking, and Gene and I were matching with our bright green shirts. Chris Nug talked to me through the window of our store because he just got out of work from Abercrombie. But yeah, tomorrow I might work again, but it's ok because I'm not really doing anything and I need money.

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