Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Since my last post I...

...went to my orientation for Macy's and filled out paperwork and all that junk
...visited my alma mater for Regent Rampage with Jonathan to watch Joanne
...went to Jessica's bbq where Jonathan shared his "Drunk Girl" song with the rest of his friends
...attented Pam's bday party at a hotel near Bay 101 with Mike, Nate, Joel, Sam, and Jonathan. Then I had fun watching Julie make fun of everyone by saying shhhh
...found out my good friend is having a baby! yay. I LOVE YOU!
...actually worked at Hollister. I wasn't tempted to give away my shift
...did last minute assignments for the end of the quarter: final intern paper, final psych paper, and final politics final!
...received my refund check from macy's and payed for all my stupid bills. dam overdraft and late fees!
...received my schedule for macy's and I start tomorrow!
...became really excited because my sister officially got into NDSJ! yay!
...went to my last day of the winter quarter yesterday
...dedicated all of today to writing my stupid final essay for politics. 10 pages on Aristotle and the Bible? eh
...turned in my politics final essay, and took the final exam that is worth 0+%, meaning, it can improve my grade, but not hurt it
...was accompanied by my mommy and sissy to UCSC tonight because I didn't wanna drive alone in the dark

and that's it. 4 more days until my birthday!

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