Thursday, December 30, 2004

boring update

Sunday (continued)
-Jonathan picked me up from home and he taught me how to play guitar at his house
-hang out with sister and Assley
-I forgot.. hang out with Jonathan? play guitar some more? eh.
-bowling with my sweetie! I'll update with pictures later. Good news is that we both bowled our highest scores! "Twisted Tuesdays" at Cloverleaf. $8 a person + unlimited bowling 930-midnight + $0.50 drinks and hotdogs + Jonathan = spectacular times!


jonathan. look at that form.

haha dam i look hella stupid!

JN = JoN, JL = JuL

-home, watched "The Manchurian Candidate"
-bumming around like normal.. watched my soaps
-Oakridge, did some exchanges
-Best Buy to buy blank DVDs
-home real quick
-Jonathan's, watched "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and 2 episodes of Friends Season 8

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