Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Bad news is that my monthly friend decided to visit on Sunday for about 3 days or so. Good news is that I was able to fight my cravings by going to Krispy Kreme in Union Landing. More good news is that I got into USF, where I wanna go because it's the CITY dammit, but bad news is that it costs $10k more than the other school I wanna go to. Oh, some good news that does not have a bad side is that I PASSED my Senior Service Project with a 4! The highest I could get was a 5, so GO ME! Aww, this just in, some more bad news: my dearest friend Sherilyn might be moving to Sacramento, so if that's the case, that means she's going to UOP with no questions asked, which also means no going to college with me =*(. Some more bad news is that I have 3458340534 different assignments and tests and projects to make up by the end of this week.

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