Tuesday, June 07, 2005

wow time flies.. it's already freakin JUNE!

I didn't even realize I picked the same template at Lisa.. haha. Oh well, she won't mimd. She's probably the only other person that reads this anyway besides my sister.

June is one of my favorite months because first of all, school comes to an end, second of all, summer begins which means hot weather, tank tops, beach trips, and lots and lots of ice cream, third of all, I get to start sleeping in and catch up on ny Days of Our Lives and Passions, fourth of all, I can work more and make more money, and fifth and most importantly of all, it's my anniversary month with Jonathan! April and May have been really hard months - emotionally, physically, psychologically, and so on. From losing loved ones to almost losing the love of my life - I'm glad that school is almost over and done with. Well actually, tomorrow is my last day of finals, and it's open note. I should be preparing a lot more, but eh. I'm tired of school. This by far has been the worst quarter of my life. The classes did not motivate me enough to work hard.. bleh. ANYWAY, this summer will give me a lots of time to relax, lots of time to do more stuff for me, lots of time to spend with my mommy and sissy, lots of time to spend with my cousins, lots of time to spend with my friends, and lots of time to spend with my Jonathan. These past two weeks have been really great for me, well except for school work that is. Anyway, I should be getting to bed or better yet, prepare for my 8am final. Wish me luck! Also, leave me some freakin comments!

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