Thursday, March 29, 2012

First post of 2012 and as a 27-year-old!

What's happened since my last post? Besides my usual sporting events and concerts, I...

-bought a shiny new white iPhone 4S... woot woot!
-got a new job, a big promotion to what I was doing.
-traveled to Las Vegas with my best friend and our mommies, San Diego twice, Hawaii, Lake Tahoe, and Disneyland for my 27th birthday.
-attended not one, but TWO, 49er playoff games AND officially became a season ticket holder for 2012-13.
-got asked to be a bridesmaid in a close girlfriend's wedding and said, "I do!"
-bought lots of laser hair removal vouchers.
-turned 27... le sigh.
-started updating my Flickr ( again since I stopped in June of 2010. I still have all of 2011 and the last third of 2010 to upload. However, you'll need me to add you as a contact in order to view... womp womp! Don't want any creepsters and/or stalkers looking at my pictures. :)

Wow, that's a lot in the last 5 months. What do I have to look forward to?

-Coachella in a few short weeks.
-Therese's bachelorette party in Vegas! It's going to be cray-cray!!!
-Therese's wedding with an OPEN BAR.
-EDC - I know, I don't like the idea of raves, but I am pretty excited to see the line up... besides, YOLFO, and you're only young once (YOYO).
-Holy Ship in 2013.

I plan to write about EVERYTHING. For now, it just feels good to be writing again. :)

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