Saturday, April 30, 2005

It's been a stressful week for me. Midterms, midterm papers, "boy" trouble, and another death in the family.

I had a midterm essay due today, well now, yesterday... but I didn't turn it in. That's a first for me. At least the teacher accepts late work- it just gets graded down 1/3 for each day late. So that just means if I have an A paper, I get an A-. Sooo.. I need to finish today. Although I highly doubt it's A material. I'm thinking of dropping my politics major now because I absolutely haaaaaaate reading, more than that, I abhor reading! Writing is fine.. but pages and pages and pages of crap that does not interest me.. argh.

As for the death in the family, my grandma's younger brother was diagnosed with cancer just this week, and today, my family and I found out that he passed away. My mom was crying a lot because she remembers the last time she saw him and said, "I don't know when I'm going to see you again" because that was when she was in the Philippines. Although I did not really know him, he is still family, and I hope he is resting in peace now with my Grandpa Fidel.

As for my boy trouble, it's over and done with now, and hopefully he learned his lesson.. just some people... grrr.

So after tonight, or more like this morning, I will not be stressed out because my goal is to finish this stupid stupid paper!!!

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