Can't think of a title.
I went to bed late (well not really) last night bc I was catching up with Eileen.. I can't wait for the GNO on friday bc I miss all you girls so much! But anyway, I woke up bright and early again this morning at 7am.. go me! I got ready and Jonathan drove me to VF and met up with Meg and Di. We had our AE interview and the manager didn't know that the other manager scheduled another group interview with us, but she interviewed us anyway. She knew that we were all good friends and she said that it was a plus bc it's hard to find? I dunno.. she was really nice and I enjoyed this interview muchhh more than Hollister's yesterday, but I'd work at either. The only downside is that I'd only be working at AE until I go back to school, but if they can figure something out, I would be able to work on the weekends when I come home. ahhhh.. I hope they call me in the morning! Right after, Jonathan and I headed over to Fry's so he could buy another motherboard bc the one he bought didn't work. We went back to his apartment so he could install it and I ended up sleeping again (from 10am until 1pm-ish). When I woke up, we went to Oakridge and I bought presents for some of my friends and family. We went back to Fry's so someone could check out his computer bc the motherboard wasn't working AT ALL.. so the Fry's guy told him that he had to reinstall EVERYTHING.. that sucks. We went back to my house for a while, received the rest of my grades for the quarter (blah) and went to MHT to watch my sister play against SJB.. it was a practice game though. I think Jonathan enjoyed watching them play bc it reminded him of his bball days at MHT. We chatted with Mr. Keitges for a while reminiscing about when we went to school there. I wanted to go to Bulldog's bc I wanted a new nose ring since the stud fell out, but I changed my mind. Instead, we went to Mark's hotdogs or whatever? and Jonathan bought this one hot dog which took 2394832905803249 hours to make. It didn't fill him up, so my sister, Jonathan, and I went to Costco and ate the polish dogs there (while Leanna ate a chicken bake). We dropped my sister off at home then headed to Lisa's to wait for everyone else. Then Lisa, Chris, Mike, John, Kim, Jonathan, and I headed downtown with our (mine and Kim's) beetles. I enjoyed myself downtown.. we watched people ice skate at the rink, walked around christmas in the park and took pictures, walked to Johnny Rockets but it was closed, then looked for Peggy Sue's but got lost, Mike needed to pee so we went in the Fairmont and walked around there for a while, back to christmas in the park, then back to the car bc we were hungry. I think we were downtown for a good 2 or 3 hours.. it was fun too! Then we went to In N Out.. chatted, and the boys decided to play CS. So we dropped Lisa off at home, Jonathan dropped me off at home, so now Jonathan, John, Mike, and Chris are out with my car!!!! They'll be fine though. Wow, this was a long blog.. I feel like I'm in highschool again... ohhh the memories.
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