Saturday, December 20, 2003

Another Day at the Mall.
So I woke up.. lounged around the house.. watched TV.. ate.. and hung out with Jonathan for a while before he went to work. Then John and Diana came to pick me up and we headed to Stoneridge. I spent ALL of my money again, but it's ok. I mostly spent money on more presents for my cousins and other peope. One great thing happened to me though: Diana found the Fair Isle scarf at Gap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the VERY LAST ONE and this worker guy kept asking me if I was really going to buy it because it was the last one, and I kept saying "YES", and I guess he didn't believe me because he just kept asking, "are you really? It's the very last one". Shit, I KNOW it's the last one! I've been trying to bed on ebay for a reasonably priced one for the past week, and I find one at Gap itself when I wasn't looking for it. What a lucky day (thanks Diana). We ended up parting with John and his cousin Linda, but we find them again and we leave to go to Oakridge. I was pooped and was not really in the mood for shopping, so John and his cousin just buy cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory then drops us all off at home. Man, I'm still not done with christmas shopping.. I still have to get Jonathan the rest of his gifts.

That's Jamie Lee Curtis I think and I dunno the other girl.. but that is my scarf!! I love it. (I'm wearing it right now)

Now all I need are the hat and...

the mittens! (size s/m please). Jonathan, you can find these (hat & mits) at any Gap. ;)

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