Sunday, September 23, 2001

wow..I feel so relieved right now..I finished all my hw! Well just the hw that is due now I am stuck with nothing to do..hmmm..and I already voted for my school! in the words of Miss Mariel Clemente NOTRE DAME PRIDE WOOP WOOP haha..okay..dude. I just want to win first place, I don't really care about the concert. They have sorry people performing so far...hopefully it will get better? anywhooo...I feel like giving a summary of my day

--woke up at 10 to the sound of my pager..freakin Jennifer paging at 9!
--took a shower
--called people
--put my uniform on
--umm..told my mother about my plans for the day
--went to Hollywood video to rent that stupid movie for history
--picked up my sister
--went to Jenn's house around 11 30
--did my hw..
--watched the movie with Diana Anne and Jenn around 12 30
--ate lots of food
--went to the Cathedral..we were FASHIONABLY late around 2 45 or so
--saw the love of my life
--sang..but not too good..we sounded horrible..I think its cus I know we could do better
--saw Jeremy..hes a stupid head..and saw some Bell guys...since it was the 150th Notre Dame and BELLarmine Liturgy thing
--said hi to someone
--umm...ate MORE at the reception at Fairmont at 5ish I think
--got in line for MORE food with Jenn..oooh the tortelini alfredo was hella good!
--waited outside with Jenn
--went home around 6 30ish
--finished my History paper
--called Jenna and she came by and picked up the video
--went online and voted..we WILL win by the way
--and am now doing this blogger blogger...while chitchattin with Mister Michael Tang and Mister Chris Lic and Mister Jaysen and Mister Dominick

for some reason I am in the bestest mood ever! last night I was not..but I guess right now is making up for it? So WHO DO YOU TELL WHEN YOU LOVE SOMEONE? wow that song is stuck in my head..but that is now the question of the day, who do you tell when you love someone? and how do you know? like how do you know when you like someone? hmm..time to ponder about that would have been a very special day..the number three is very significant..GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT

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