Saturday, September 01, 2001

I wish I had my car and my license already..I hate asking people for rides, especially my mom!! She left me home again on a saturday..I asked her when I woke up if she could drop me off somewhere..and she said, "where?!" and so I said ok nevermind.. it's like..what does she expect me to do? Does she want me to freakin fly? gosh gosh gosh..So my mission for the rest of the day is to try and find myself a ride to Sheila's house..maybe my mom will take me.. but who's the end of the month..and Lisa and I already established that the end of the month is "that time of the month" for both our moms.. They're not on their rags or anything, it's just that they are really bitchy around this time..okay..I'm gonna start my mission

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