So what's been going on with me you ask? Let's see...
-I bought my sister a silver mini ipod 2 weeks ago because she would always ask to borrow mine. I even stopped using mine for a while too. But yeah, although my sister is a brat most of the time, I love spoiling her for some reason.
-School has been a bitch! Well, I've just been lazy I guess. I find myself not doing my homework at night anymore. I actually wake up early in the morning and do it RIGHT before I head to class. And these last minute essays suck asssss.. hopefully my effort isn't reflected in my grades. I hate having at least 3 paper due PER week.. and I'm not exaggerating either. This week, I had 4 papers due.. ahhhh. Well at least I'm done for the week (I just finished right now).
-Mama left for the Philippines again last week on Friday, and I held back my tears. This time, she was traveling alone, so we let the people at Philippine Airlines know, so they could watch her. She made it to the PI nice and safe =) I miss her and my grandpa so much already. I haven't seen my Papa since October? Ahhh.. come back soon =(
-Bowling--I've done a lot of this these past few days because Jonathan found himself a new hobby. Actually it's an old hobby, he just likes to rotate them around every few months. I'm making a prediction that in 2 months, he will be back to loving his guitars or his video camera.
-I've been sick since last thursday. I think I'm getting a little better though. I called in sick the whole weekend for work.. but the bf managed to drag me out of bed when he went bowling with Jeremy and Hansen and then watch "Coach Carter", bowling some more at Best Buy but for FREE, not drinking at Mike's little get together because I had Tylenol in my system, and shopping with my mommy.
-My mom has been making scarves (cute ones actually) nonstop for my sister and I. We went to Michael's over the weekend, and she was looking at the yarn, so my sister and I picked out cool looking yarn and crochet needle things. So far, my mom has made 4 scarves since Monday.
-I broke my cell phone in HALF. Yes, I think I do have anger management problems, but shit, that's what PMS can do to a lady! Jonathan was yanking my tail and I threw my phone and it hit the door, and it literally broke in half. The battery went flying one way, the top flap went another, and I couldn't find the bottom flap for a while. The thing that sucks is that my insurance with lockline was terminated because I broke/lost my phone twice already within a 12 month period. Sooo the only way for me to get a phone was to BUY one.. and phones are freakin expensive.. especially without a 2-year agreement.. which I have, but is not over yet. But yeah, good news is that I bid on a kyocera slider phone on ebay and won, bad news is that I bid on a samsung phone that I thought was color and won. Hopefully that seller will let me slide?
-Last night I went to work and I ended up spoiling myself with 2 new pairs of destroyed denim.. eek. Oh well, they are well deserved. I haven't splurged in a while since before Christmas and all that madness. I also spoiled myself with 2 new pairs of rainbow flip flops. I don't know.. for some reason when I like something, I have to have two of it or more.
Phew.. ok I left out a lot but whatever. That's all for now. I'm tired.
Oh yeah! Jonathan also recently joined myspace after 2349034 years and he's freakin addicted to it! I've had my account for a while now, and it's only recently that I've been on it a lot because of him! hahha.. we're losers. Oh well.
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