This morning, Jonathan called me around 8:50, said he was coming over, and was at my house 10 minutes later. If you know him, then you'd know that he lags with everything. I guess I was too sleepy this morning to notice because I just opened the door for him and went back to bed. Before you knew it, we were both sound asleep and I ended up waking up 30 minutes late! But it was no biggie. So I got ready for school while he continued to sleep, then it was time for another school day in Santa Cruz for me! It was so hot on campus today. Don't you hate the feeling when your back gets all sweaty because of your backpack? Anyway, class was class, then I decided to run some errands. I went over to the financial aid office to ask them ONE question because my college advisor said I had to go over there instead of just calling. So I park at a meter and put in 15 minutes worth of coins. When I get there, there is this huuuuuge line. I thought that it would go by fast, but I was wrong. The whole time I was in line, I was praying that I wouldn't get a ticket. If I were to step out of line, I would have lost my place... and then I'd have to wait even longer. Well, when it was my turn, the lady tells me that I didn't have to wait in line, that I could have just CALLED! Argh! So I wasted 45 minutes of my day waiting in line. When I get to my car, I see the dreaded yellow envelope on my window =(. Dammit.. even though it's only $25, I was still upset because I could have bought a shirt with that! eh.
I watched TV for a bit until my mom picked me up to watch my sister's volleyball at Holy Family. They played a reallly good game, but they lost =(. I was kinda happy though because I didn't want them to play a 3rd set because I wanted to be home in time for the debate. The game ended at 5:55, so I had 5 minutes to get home. My mom decided to stop by Albertson's "real quick".. so we arrived at home around 5:40. I plopped myself on my bed.. but couldn't seem to keep my eyes open. I decided to just take a nap and watch a re-run of the debate later that night. When I woke up, I ate spaghetti, then watched the debate. I think that both candidates did really well, and unlike the first and second debate, I don't really think there was a winner. In my opinion, I think Bush did better, but only because I have my mind set on him already. If you ask someone who is for Kerry, they'd say the same thing. I think the purpose of this last debate was to reinforce both candidates' ideas. However, I enjoyed how they actually brought up gay marriages, and it's interesting that they are both against it. John Kerry made it seem like he was more open about it, but both of them pretty much have the same opinion. Alright that's all, vote for Bush!
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