Sunday, February 01, 2004

Great peaceful weekend.
-class from 930am to 310pm
-Jonathan paid off his handicapped parking ticket (the VERY last one.. no more stress honeybeeee.. $275 for handicapped parking ticket + $127 for speeding ticket plus $25 times 10+ for parking w/o a permit at UCSC.. someone can do the math)
-back to San Jose
-shopped at VF/picked up first paycheck with Jonathan
-Leanna's bball game @ Sacred Heart
-shopped again at VF before work
-Krissie's bday get together.. fun with the paddle we got for Charlene.. looking back on MHT memories with Mike, Nate, and Jonathan

-Leanna's bball game @ St. Catherine's
-long nap
-shopped.. kinda before work
-work with DIANA!!!
-Marcel's house to watch the boys play Hold'em
-wait for Jonathan to get out of work
-Mercado with Jonathan to watch a midnight movie, "The Butterfly Effect" and saw Joyce, Ron, Chris Laroya, and significant others

-went with Jonathan to bring Joanne to PCN practice
-Jonathan came over right before work and watched "Grease" and finished watching it with sister
-picked up Joanne and brought her to talk to her SSP sponsor
-went home just in time for the HALFTIME show with Justin and Janet's boob.. viola:

-watched "Erin Brokavich" with sister
-SHOULD be studying for midterm, but not.. so i'm waiting for honeybee to get out of work

Tomorrow is the start of another week in Santa Cruz.. hurry up SPRING BREAK!!!

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