Last night was yet another fun night at work. I folded 3 of the tables in the girls front room along with 2 other guys.. one was gay so it was funny when he kept calling the straight one a "breeder".. but they were pretty entertaining because they were flowing.. hella funny! I found out that I didn't have to fold all the freakin tables AFTER I finished.. I had to fold the tables in the BACK room.. so I "air" folded all those dam sweaters (that are on sale by the way!) and folded the pj pants with Diana. Afterwards, we met up with Jonathan, stopped by and ate at his parents' house then headed to Fremont to Goodrich's little going away thing. He's not coming back for another 4 or 5 months, so I'll miss you buddy! We hung out for a little while then went home because it was late already.
Today, I was supposed to catch up on all of my reading for all of my classes, but that was a failed attempt. Instead, I hung out with Jonathan and my sister til about 5pm STILL in our pajamas and stuff.. haha. Jonathan left to run errands with his sis, so my sister and I continued to do nothing. When Jonathan came back, we went to VF and I bought stuff at Hollister with my employee discount.. I love it! We went to my grandparents' house, but they already finished doing the rosary.. it was the last day of the rosary crusade too! So, we just ate.. A LOT! yum. I watched "American Idol" with my entire family and "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance".. both were funny. Aww man, I'm going back to school tomorrow morning.. boo! But at least my first class of the week is my favorite!!! Human Sexuality!
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