wowee.. I feel like I haven't blogged for days. Well the reason why I couldn't (and still can't) is because my sister spilled minute maid on my laptop keyboard.. so the letters are messed up. The "s" key doesn't work.. so I'm using her comp right now.. so let's recap since my last entry.
-last thursday my dearest drove me, Meg, and Sher to Denny's here in Santa Cruz, but it took us a while to find it.
-last friday I took a chem midterm and ACED it! That night, Meg, Jonathan, and I went to eat Chinese food.
-saturday morning I was still in Santa Cruz. I believe my first time in Santa Cruz on a Saturday. I took the Subject A again and passed it with flying colors. I went back home to San Jose to wish my mother a HAPPY 41ST BIRTHDAY! It was also Sheila's cotillion.. I was a candle.. then Jonathan and I left after the program to go to my family party at my grandparents' house for my mom's bday. Lots of drunk relatives and hyper cousins.. the norm. It was grand.
-sunday was yet another anniversary. we don't really celebrate the monthly ones anymore though. There was cotillion practice, Eastridge to get shoes for the cotillion, 2 Bulldog stores to find the maryjanes (then got em for $5 cus Jonathan knew the worker). Albertson's to buy Jonathan's mom flowers because she was sick. watched Simpsons at his house.. and oh yeah, stopped by Our Lady of Peace because we missed mass at MHT.
-hmm.. I went home Monday morning and missed Chemistry.. blah. Goodrich came to visit us! and Mariel too! Mariel, Meg, Dianne, and I went to a hip hop event at Oakes.. it was cool. They competed in DJ-ing, breaking, MC-ing, and tagging. Then went to a laaaaaate 1am dinner/breakfast and Goodrich came along while we left Sher and Ellison under the covers in our dorm.. haha.. it's ok guys!
-Tuesday, went to Psychology, and napped in my room until Jonathan picked me up. He was sick so he was bitching at me, but it's ok now. We grabbed some sushi at Ariake then rested at home because he was burning up.
-Yesterday, Jonathan woke me up because he was thirsty. We went to KFC to get his raspberry iced tea. picked up my sister, her friend, and her friend's siblings at school.. dropped em off. went to cotillion practice.. stayed for a longgggg time because we tried on our dresses and people got their hair done as practice. stopped by Jonathan's apartment to pick up his clothes then stayed at my house for a bit. Jonathan left to go to his house to see his family when I was almost asleep.
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