YES! Another fun day! I woke up at 1 again with 32294234908234 missed calls... whoops I overslept and couldn't wake up.. and I was supposed to wake some people up too. I arrived at Flick around 2 or 3 and watched the boys and Michelle play football. At first, I wanted to video tape, then my arm got all tired, so I SOOO did not want to video tape anymore.. but NO ONE wanted to video tape. Angela also found an old condom and kept trying to throw it on Hene.. haha. During their second game, I threw the ball around with Angie and Di. John showed up after everyone left.. haha good timing! I left my car at his house and then we went to Villiard's house. James, Jr, Ellison, and Vill were playing with the football in the court.. all of a sudden Diana comes running after Villiard and trips and falls on her face! hahaha.. she scraped her hand and got all dirty! She was on the floor and everything! hahhaa.. when I was putting the band-aid on her, she started crying like a baby! After that, John and I went to this bboy competition and picked up Angie on the way. It was alright I guess.. not worth 10 bucks though. Towards the end, all of us plus Mike went to Jack in the Box! Yum! We waited around for a LONG time after the competition was over because SOMEONE's bf was taking forever! Finally, John, Mike, and I left, switched cars (John left his car at home while I got mine) and just chilled at Villiard's house. Everyone was still there and then some other people came over. We watched "Barbershop" and I ate SOME chocolate.. Goodrich came over.. and then John drove everyone (including himself) home.. when we dropped Ellison off, we were waiting for him to climb the fence, but he just opened the door like a gangster.. haha.. AHHH one more day!!!!!! Now I HAVE to do my homework tomorrow.... argh.
and to those I have lost touch with over the years.. months.. weeks.. days.. hours.. minutes.. and even seconds: I miss you!
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