It is only 12 20 something and I feel like it's 4 in the morning and I haven't slept in days..that's how tried I feel right now. Today was such a long day..I woke up to the sound of my sister watching TV, and I looked at the clock. I thought it said 10 and I was like "oh crap, how am I getting there" (there meaning the FSA icebreaker). I upsetted my mother the nigh before, and she was in one of those moods. I quickly called some people to get a ride, but for some reason everyone I called was still asleep. I thought to myself, "It's already 10, aren't they supposed to be at the icebreaker?" So I laid in bed for a while and went through the phone book in my phone, then I saw the clock and it said 8 37..I was like whhhhhhhhhhaaaaaat!? I then glanced at my pager, and it said 8 37..then I put my glasses on and looked at the clock, it said 8:37!! I was like fuckk that (that meaning finding a ride) I'm going back to I did and really woke up at 10. I called Felicity, and Daryl came and picked me up around 11ish. So, we went to the house where the icebreaker was at, I stayed with Felicity and Cesar while he played the piano..Jenna came around 12ish I think and then we went with Daryl and Josh to run some errands. We went to Michael's and bought some beads and string for this activity for the icebreaker..then I drove to In N Out!! The scariest part was when I mixed up the gas and the break..Daryl was yelling STOP STOP and I was like OKAY! but accidentally stepped on the gas while there was a car in front of us, then I stepped on the brakes really really hard..that was scaryy! so anyways, we go back to the the park..we stay..have blah blah. We go back to the house for the last activity which was the bracelet making thing..It ended around 7ish and then it was time for people to go to the after party. oh! but on the way back to the house from the park, I DROVE AGAIN! this time I accidentally went over the curb when I parked..that was only because of the paranoid people in the back.
so after going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth..we end up at the after party. We stay for like 10 minutes then leave to Chris' house..we stayed there until his friend came..and then we all went back to the after party AGAIN..then I played DDR and we left after I was done..around 9ish..FINALLY we reach our destination of the night.. !SERENDIPITY!! that movie was soooooooooooooooooo good!
I thought our night was going to end there, but NOPE..we stopped by Taco Bell real quick before home..we got food and left, and I thought our night was going to end there..but nooooooooooope..when I thought I was finally going home, Daryl's car started going 40 and we were on the freeway..I thought he was fucking around, but the battery was dying! I was so scared because #1)It was night time #2)It was cold #3)There were 5 other people in the car, excluding me #4)Daryl is not allowed to have passengers #5)It was past curfew..and ummI think that was it..oh yeah..we were under 18, but that goes along with the curfew and Daryl not allowed to have passengers while we were all in the car, we called like the most randomest people in the world for their help. and then I went through a GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR part while we were waiting..some people are just so errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..anyways--finally we did, we were so lucky! Daniel came and got Jenna and I..the other lucky part is that my mom was NOT home!! Hopefully she doesn't get mad..well I am off to sleep..or something
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